Model-Shooting, Brooklyn Bridge, New York
|[picasaView album=’NYC05M’ directview]On the way back we discovered on the bridge a small crowd gathered at the railing of the pedestrian pathway from sticking out from a pretty head over all other. Es fand wohl ein “Mode-Shooting” statt, and the poor shivering model was covered with a coat leaning on the railing and waited patiently for the start. As workers in a honeycomb at the Queen assistants scurried around to the young woman, combed, plucked, attracted, dabbed around with her and wore make, as if it were a life-size Barbie doll. After 20 Minutes Gezuppel, Bru, Geschminke and Getupfe was the Barbie doll suddenly 20 Seconds there alone, punched any chills from the expression, made a few poses and already crashed again the cloud of assistants to the model with her now chattering teeth and grabbed it back in 3 Coats a. I felt very unreal nor the woman, which passed too lightly dressed for the crisp temperatures with her Labrador on the scene.