The cross with the TÜV ( or was it forgetfulness? )
|Since I have a car times, which is just a little over 3 Is years old, already you get polite to tip, that the TUV already since May 09 would have been due. D’Oh! The next problem which was quite nice snuggled namely to, I can not find the vehicle registration since our move, or. he no longer is there where I thought, that before he 2 Years was.
Oh no problem. I have once the Verlustigkeit my certificate displayed in the leasing company, and get promptly by e-mail a form for a notice of loss, which I signed with a copy of the identity card and ( the interested reader can already guess what's coming ) BINGO! there Kopie des TÜV Reports. But as I logically do not have a TÜV Report, as the car just 3 Years old was, is this going to be very funny.
Without any apparent TÜV
Without homologation no apparent.
Today is the day of truth, I'm curious what will come out of it. I’ll keep you posted.